Sunday, August 26, 2012

Now we wait...

Well the audition results are not in yet. All the kids I talked to thought it went well, but still are in that "after test did I do it good enough" frame of mind! I hope we see them all on the floor...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Winter Percussion Auditions

Once again the Winter Percussion is running their auditions starting this Saturday at Barnstable Middle School.  I wonder what is going through the kids minds this year...Will it be as awesome as last year when we won the gold?  How can we top that ?  I've got to admit I'm wondering the same thing. 
But every year they bring something new to their shows and I can't wait to see what comes next !

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us.

What a tragic thought. Imagine, we are missing so many intriguing melodies.....what is going to happen to the young people of today ? So many of them are missing the chance to express this music trapped inside them...Spirit of America Band is trying to bridge that gap with programs like the commitment to keep teaching the South Africans we started two years ago, and the upcoming Day of Percussion that they are supporting (more news on that soon).  One of our greatest wishes over the years is to teach by example and encourage young people to follow their dreams.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I remember

I remember the very first time I heard real drums in our neighborhood. The first time that the "grandfather" of the idea that would eventually become Spirit of America had a rehearsal...there were a few older men from the neighborhood banging away on a few drums. We were planning a Birthday parade for someone down the street. 
There were children with little flags and a few goats as well (yes goats were really there).  From the very beginning it was about others and not about how you might look.  The bright joy that bloomed on the face of the Woman whose birthday was irreplaceable. That tradition continues today and is carried on by our Marching Band as well as our Winter Percussion.  The teamwork and sense of being connected can't be replaced by anything else. Funny how I don't remember what I was doing....I just remember her face as she realized it was all for know that sticks with a kid.