Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting ready

Well the marching music has been handed to the marching band members. And I have noticed a lot more instruments being practiced around here! I can't wait to hear the band-its been a while! There is something that happens in my heart when this band walks by... So here's hoping the uniforms fit, that the shoes are white, and that the brass is polished. What a honor to be asked to the oldest fourth of July parade !

Friday, June 15, 2012


Just heard that Spirit of America Marching Band will be marching in Americas oldest Fourth of July parade here in Bristol RI !!!

Their second parade is here in Norwood, Ma in the evening....

Come and join us in the celebration!

South Africa

Spirit of America keeps their promises.  They promised that with the instruments that were given to the students in Durban, would come the information of how to care for the instruments as well five years of going back to teach lessons to the kids.

Durbin, South Africa

 So, while there are musicians weekly Skypeing with their students in Durban, some of the Spirit Staff have received their "please go back to So Africa and teach " notice.  I remember the inner glowing happiness that came back with the band when they went to South Africa.  The happiness of sharing something that you love to do was on everyone's face.  It is awesome to see it come back as they talk about getting ready to go.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wind Ensemble

If you had come down to our rehearsal area on Monday night, you would have seen our Wind Ensemble together listening to several different styles of music.  They are starting their season and what better way to be inspired than hearing other players and their approach to music.

Above is a photo of the Spirit of America Fife and Drum corps on Memorial Day in Holden, Ma.  For those who are not familiar with how Spirit of America works, this group is largely the school age kids that are in Spirit of America band with a few adults who go along with this fantastic group.   I hear they are trying to get on the pavement, so if you have any ideas, please drop me a line !