We are in the home stretch with our season. We have completed the last of our regular season NESBA shows and we are looking forward to performing at the NESBA Championships on April 7 and then the WGI World Championships in Dayton, OH on April 18-19.
The show has gone through many changes over the past three weeks and the members have done a great job handling them. It's not easy to continue to refine the design of the show and make changes while it's being performed, but this is the nature of the indoor season. Often times, groups will not have their shows completed until near the end of the season. We have been fortunate that we've been able to use our time to really refine the show until we felt it was right, and we're almost there. We have this weekend off before NESBA Championships so we will be using this time to refine the program, continue to develop confidence and consistency, and elevate the performance and emotional level of the group.